Sunday, August 22, 2010

Iran: The Mother of All Posturers

How Real is the Threat! 

Clearly, Israel is making a case for an attack on Iran.  A lot of folks in the West echo these alarms but hey wait a second.  Lets skim away some of the hype and take a closer (admittingly blunt look at the facts).

Is Iran the most powerful regional state sans Israel?  yep.  Is a conventional exchange/war with Iran a wise or winnable thing to do? Nope.  Is the current Iranian regime a brutal dictatorship? Yep.  Do they export terrorism and fight with proxies like Hezbolla? Yep.  Are they seeking to destabilize/control the mess known as Iraq? Yep.  Are they going to initiate and all out attack against the United States or Israel? Nope, they don't want to be a radioactive wasteland.  Are they going to initiate an full out assault on the Saudi Oilfields and distribution network...Nope, for all the same reasons.

Some Thoughts:  US Nuclear Arsenal 11 000 plus or minus.   Israeli Nuclear Arsenal: Somewhere between 200 and 400.  Some experts believe it is third biggest stockpile in the world.

US National Intelligence Estimate:  Maybe, maybe Iran will have one working device by end of 2011.  Working device and device that can be delivered folks are two different entities.

Iran is basically in same position re: creation of nuclear device that United States was in back in 1944-45.  That is 65 years ago gang.  The US/Israel have a 65 year head-start!

Maybe Intimating at Having This

Is A Great Way To Say


Has anyone ever thought that the Iranian Regime is acting like any terrified creature does?  Trying to make itself larger than life in an attempt to intimidate enemies (in Iran's case internal as well as external) from harming it/its interests.

Today, there is President Mahmoud Ahmaddinejad unveiling Iran's first unmanned bomber.  Lots of fanfare and hype surrounding it too.  You can bet that those bent on Iran's destruction foreign and neocon domestic, will surely amplify these images as well.  Funny thing though, does this again look like 65 year old technology being passed off by both sides as an imminent threat?  Does to me.

The primitive machine that the Iranians are waving around and heralding as their new super-weapon looks like this:

Look Familiar?  Lets turn back the pages of history about oh, say 68 years.  My grandma's generation were ducking these things in England:

Soo, Iran has successfully re-engineered (not even deployed yet) a glorified WW 2 "Buzz Bomb" putting them on par with the model airplane afficanados that fly their birds out in the California desert on weekends (minus the TNT).  Quick all, lobby your congressman to declare war on the "Existential Threat" to our Israeli friends and then run as fast as you can for your fallout shelters.

Get This Guy On Poker Stars!

What is really going on?  Well, the current Iranian regime is propping itself up and successfully drawing a lot of attention/scaring its neighbors with some artful smoke and mirrors based on 65 year old technology.  Mainstream media buys into it and bingo, manufactured crisis when it suits the "interests" out there.  Drink the Kool-Aide if you want another war.


Smallpox: Do you really think they don't have this or wouldn't use it in retaliation for being irradiated?

Think before you follow someone's pep-talk into Armageddon.


Pakistan's Agony

A Pakistani land surface area larger than Italy is under water!

A fabulous article written on one on of my favorite blogs!


Polar Bear Up Close!

Not quite the Coca-Cola commercial we are accustomed to seeing every Christmas!