Friends, penned some thoughts today:
“Terror Hype” vs The Corporate State: Why we so messed!
Woke up to this nausea this morning: (CNN)A Montana pipeline burst sent as much as 50,400 gallons of oil gushing into the Yellowstone River, prompting the governor to declare a state of emergency.
It cannot be viewed outside of the context of the mainstream media/government hype over the ongoing “War on Terror” that the Bush administration under the skilled guidance of Cheney/Rumsfield started and the Neo Cons 2.0 continued on through the Obama experience.
Recently, we had the criminal mass-murder in Paris and the Belgian government’s pre-emptive move against other criminal would be murderers in that nation. Not to be outdone, CNN, Fox and their peers bloviate endlessly about the “homegrown”, “lone wolf” , “Domestic Terror Threat” represented by a couple of unconnected mentally ill, would be instruments of death who were aided and abetted in their fantasy world by the FBI. Look at all your neighbors closely now people, the end is coming soon in a puff of nail filled smoke and hail of automatic gunfire. Look even closer if they worship differently than you do.
In the mean-time, think how much more exponentially, how much more vastly panicked the nation (and western society) would be if “terrorists” has deliberately poisoned the drinking water of millions upon millions of American citizens in hundreds, if not thousands of towns and cities. Can you imagine the media frenzy, the posturing in congress and what the State of The Union Speech would look and sound like? Can you come to grips with the spectre of “ terror” we would all live under in The West. Think of it, a “soft target" like a river being struck in such a way as to affect millions upon millions of peace loving, innocent souls.
Well gang, it just happened. You see, the Yellowstone River is a tributary of the Missouri River which then flows into the Mississippi River at St. Louis. From there it flows to the Gulf of Mexico. Get a map and look at who draws their drinking water from below this spill. Understand that petrochemicals are not filtered very well if at all by municipal water systems. Are there acceptable levels of bitumen oil for you and I to ingest? Fish and animals, ecosystems...meah.
Now this was an accident. It was a failure of engineering I suppose. A calculated risk gone bad and a minor byline in the press compared to the afformentioned simpletons the FBI groomed into a case they could prosecute. This begs the question, what would the outcry be like if 50 400 gallons of toxic waste were deliberately and criminally introduced into the drinking water of millions and done so with the excuse that God, Allah or some other deity demanded it be so to avenge wrongs real or perceived?
Imagine the new restrictions on civil liberties and militarization of the state to “protect us” from “Evil”. What new Patriot Act? What new war abroad to eliminate “Terror”….let your mind wander.
Well, a corporation enabled by laws passed by politicians who were lobbied by former politicians turned lobbiests payed for by big money did this. It was an accident and they will do better next time. Keystone or Enbridge anyone?
Of note: “This isn't the first major oil spill into the Yellowstone River -- the longest un-dammed river in the United States. In 2011, up to 42,000 gallons poured out of a ruptured Exxon Mobil pipeline.”